The owner of Arcona Yachts has acquired Orust Yacht Service AB


The Arcona company structure is expanding!

Today our holding company, Orust Quality Yachts AB, announced that they have bought Orust Yacht Service AB which is based in Henån on the island of Orust, Sweden. This is where our sister company, Najad Yachts, also owned by Orust Quality Yachts AB, is based. The acquisition includes land, the building and all facilities in the harbour with launching facilities, etc. A complete yard!

It is a service yard 25 minutes away from Arcona in Uddevalla and they can store about 240 sailing boats indoors – ideal for winterisations!

Not only will the acquisition increase the opportunity for Arcona owners to store their yachts over winter and have further access to the on site service, maintenance and commissioning, it will also give Arcona the ability to increase the numbers of boats produced in Uddevalla, by using some services from their new sister company, Orust Yacht Service AB.

We congratulate our owner, Håkan Eksandh, on this acquisition as the benefit to Arcona owners, existing and prospective, is superb.
